Thursday, December 28, 2017

Professional Locksmith: Why & how to hire?

Holidays are coming! The most wonderful time of the year is also the busiest with everyone out shopping and getting ready for much expected Christmas and New Year!
However, many homeowners overlook one important fact: crime reaches its peak in November and December. Hence, it is high time to think about safeguarding your property and holiday spirits, enhancing your door locks and security systems and finding a reliable locksmith to get the job done.

Every year Christmas sees about a 20% raise in home burglaries. Their majority occur when the owners or renters are in the house. The most “popular” break-in days are December 5, 6, 11, 17 and 18. So, prepare to protect your house now! The best way to do it is to hire a professional locksmith, who will diagnose your locks, security and alarm systems, detect faults and either repair and enforce or fully replace them

To read more about this informative article go to

Source Article: Professional Locksmith: Why & how to hire?

Related Article: Lost car keys? Top 7 reasons on WHAT to do and WHY a locksmith is your best bet!

If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to avail the services of a reputable locksmith please visit North Druid Hills Locksmith

Sunday, December 17, 2017

How Much Does a Car Locksmith Cost?

Car Locksmith ServiceWhy should I call a local locksmith in the first place when I’m locked out of my car or my home instead of attempting to fix the problem myself?

That’s the question that people ask themselves in this situation; although it may seem easy, without the decent foundation, tools, and skill you can easily damage your car or your house doors.

How Much Does an Auto Locksmith Cost Then?
It may cost you anywhere from $35 to $60, depending on the area you live in and the difficulty of the job.

To read more about this informative article go to

Source Article: How Much Does a Car Locksmith Cost?

Related Article: Spring Showers, Flowers, and Lock Change Powers

If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to avail the services of a reputable locksmith please visit North Druid Hills Locksmith

Saturday, December 16, 2017

North Druid Hills Locksmith: Various Kinds of Locks

Have you ever stopped to think about the locks on your home, car or business?  Do you know what type of locks they are or how effective they are? A lot of us do not stop to think about it especially if we are just renters. All we are interested in knowing is that the locks work and the door cannot be opened easily.

But, there are many types of locks. If you are replacing your locks, you don’t have to install the ones that were there before - you can select another type that provides more security or something that is a bit more technologically advanced.

The next time you are buying locks, think about the type of lock that you are purchasing. If you are in the state of Georgia, feel free to check out the locks that we carry at North Druid Hills Locksmith in North Druid Hills, GA. We have many types of locks and we stock some of the best brands in the lock industry.

So Many Types of Locks, Which Should You Choose?
When you are browsing around to check for locks, you may notice that there are many different types of locks to choose from. Most persons usually opt for deadbolts because they are the most familiar type of lock. But, there are many other locks out there that offer a lot of protection and can be used in your home and business.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

What To Do When You Have Lost Your Transponder Key

The transponder key, there are those who simply can’t live without it. It is key that has a chip inside of it that enables you to unlock your car doors and even start the ignition without physically having a key in the door or ignition. The chip inserted inside your transponder key is programmed to a computer system that identifies your key. Once the key is identified, it will enable you to unlock or start your car. If the chip does not connect to the computer system, you will not be able to start the car. This serves as a protection for you, the motorist. In fact, fewer cars are stolen because of the transponder key. Most new models of automobiles are being designed to use the transponder key for this very reason. Since the car thief would have to have the chip, this means they would have to have the physical key to start the car. Long gone are the days of being able to hotwire a car and just take off. While thieves have certainly gotten smarter, so has those working in the automotive industry. However, it is possible for you to lose your transponder key. At this point, if it falls into the wrong hands, there is a chance that they could steal your vehicle.

It certainly wouldn’t take much to lose your car keys, especially if you are in a hurry. Now-a-days, who isn’t in a hurry? When you have children and you’re running around trying to take care of work, home and family, you’re bound to lose a few things along the way. One of those things sometimes happens to be our car keys. If you happen to lose your car keys, you should immediately contact us at North Druid Hills Locksmith so that we can quickly reprogram another key for you. When someone else has your key and you are not sure if it was stolen or if you actually lost it, you can’t afford to take chances. Let us immediately program another key. Even if you have a spare key, it will be on the same computer. You don’t want to take any chances of someone stealing your car. It is always better to veer on the side of caution in such matters.

Saturday, December 9, 2017


Losing a transponder key can be a very stressful situation! One of the first things to go

through your head mind is “Who has access to my key and now to my vehicle? What if it’s a

criminal or car thief?” Secondly, you wonder how you will gain access to your own vehicle!

No matter what make or model of auto you drive, a licensed, bonded, and insured automotive

locksmith should be able to help you replace your transponder key. Many shops like this are

here in the Buckhead, GA region so it shouldn’t be hard to find a reputable, affordable, and

fully certified one. They should be able to help you replace your transponder key as well as

program it for you. It’s smart to do a quick web search on your mobile phone or laptop for a

qualified and experienced automotive locksmith. Here at Locksmith Buckhead, we offer fast

responding, highly professional, 24-hour service that includes transponder key duplication

and programming.

Are All My Car Keys Transponder Keys?

That depends; how modern are your vehicles? Unless you are driving older cars, your keys are

most likely transponder ones. These specialized keys have a microchip inserted in them that

gives out a signal to the computer in your car’s engine telling it that it’s safe to start.

Transponder keys cut down on vehicle theft but are expensive and a hassle to replace if


To read more about this informative article go to


Related Article: Transponder Keys

If you enjoyed this article and would like to avail of the sservices of a reputable

locksmith please visit North Druid Hills Locksmith